Green Close, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD20 8UX


British Values


The DfE have stated the need "to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs".  The Government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy, and these values have now been reiterated.  At Eastburn these values are reinforced regularly and in the following ways: 



Children at Eastburn Junior and Infant School have a voice. They are provided with lots of opportunities for their voices to be heard so that they can make a positive contribution to life at the school.  We have an elected School Council that meets regularly to discuss issues relating to the school.  This council is representative of the school and is led by Mrs Fowler.  Alongside our School Council we have House Captains and Vice-Captains who lead on school events and act as role models for the school. 


The Rule Of Law

The importance of following rules and acting within the law are constantly reinforced through our school ethos and our Behaviour and Ethos Policy.   Pupils are taught the reasons behind such rules, how to take personal responsibility for their own actions and the sanctions that can be expected when laws/rules are broken.  We strongly believe that pupils need to take ownership of their own behaviour and know how to make the right choices.  Visits from the local Police and Fire Service help us to reinforce this message and promote an understanding of how children can make a positive contribution to the local and wider community.


Individual Liberty

At Eastburn, children are encouraged to make their own choices,  knowing that they can do so in a safe and secure environment.  Our Behaviour and Ethos Policy ensures that pupils are provided with clear boundaries to work within but feel empowered to take responsibility for their own actions.  Learners understand their individual rights and freedoms through a range of curriculum activities and school assemblies.  


Mutual Respect

Children at Eastburn know that their behaviours and actions have an affect on the rights of others.  All members of the school community treat themselves, their peers and adults with respect.  Whole school assembly themes focus on the need to show respect to others in school and to be tolerant of the needs of others.


Tolerance Of Different Faiths And Beliefs

Eastburn Junior and Infant School is situated within an area that is culturally diverse and we promote diversity throughout the curriculum.  Children visit places of worship and learn about different faiths.  The school works closely with the Bradford Interfaith Centre to support children's understanding of different faiths and beliefs.


At Eastburn we will actively challenge pupils, staff or parents expressing opinions contrary to fundamental British values, including views that are of an 'extreme' nature.