Green Close, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD20 8UX


22.2.24 Today Year 5 and 6 took part in a lesson about Anti Social Behaviour. Oliver and Pheobe won prizes for best contributions - well done everyone.

20.12.23 Class 6 loved celebrating VE day to end our fabulous History Topic on the Second World War.

Welcome to Year 6

Summer Term 1

Welcome back to Year 6, we hope you had a lovely Easter break.

We are excited about the learning we have planned this half term and showing our amazing progress in SATS week.

Please see below for some useful links to support your child's learning.

Thank you for your continued support

Mrs  Farkas and Mrs Fowler 

Here you will find links to the documents you will need for this half term:

Long Term Plan Year 6

Summer 1 Class Letter

Homework Letter Summer 1 

Spellings Set A Summer 1

Spellings Set B Summer 1

Spellings Set C Summer 1


6.12.23 Today the Vicar from St Stephens Church Steeton came to visit. She told us the story of Advent and invited us to join in with some craft and baking activities at the church this Saturday 9th December 2pm - 4 pm. Please do go along if you would like to join in.

27.11.23 Internet Safety Assembly 2023- Today, we were excited to join over 1200 schools to take part in a live online assembly all about internet safety. We had a great time with the presenters and Baroness Barran (Minister for the School System Department of Education) who discussed the importance of being kind online to keep everyone safe. 


After celebrating Internet Legends Day, Class 6 agreed to:

1) always be safe online 

2) report unkind messages/behaviour on all platforms

3) only speak to people online who they know and trust

4) speak to a trusted adult if they ever feel unsafe or sad


Our digital Leaders are excited to share what they have learnt with our younger pupils :)

17.11.23 Children In Need - thank you for all your donations to this fabulous charity. Class 6 enjoyed taking part in Joe Wicks 'Bearpees' Challenge this morning.

9.11.23 Today we were thrilled to welcome Mr Watson (Oliver's Grandpa) into class to tell us about his parents and the roles they played in World War 2.

This week, we took part in a resilience building masterclass. We discussed a simple but powerful 6 habits framework to becoming more resilient:

1) Attitude- choose to have a positive attitude

2) Belief- believe in yourself!

3) Courage- face fears to live your dreams

4) Determination- never give up!

5) Enthusiasm- stay enthusiastic about your goals

6) Friendship- connect with others to be more resilient

19.10.23 We really enjoyed exploring artefacts from Skipton Museum today, linked to our History topic.  We cannot wait to welcome our guest speaker next half term.