Green Close, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD20 8UX


What We Do


Schools are run by a governing body who work with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team to ensure pupils receive a high standard of education.


What do governors do?

Together with the Headteacher they are responsible for making sure schools provide a good quality education and that pupils achieve the highest outcomes;

They provide challenge and support, drawing on knowledge and experience;

They make decisions on matters such as performance outcomes, school targets, statutory policies and school development plans;

They monitor the impact of policies and oversee school budgets and staffing;

They report on school achievements and respond to inspection recommendations;

They hear appeals from pupils and staff and consider complaints;

They ask searching questions alongside respecting the position of the Headteacher as professional leaders of schools.


As well as meeting as a full Governing Body, governors also meet in smaller groups to make decisions on specific matters.  We currently have the following groups: Resources Committee and Pay Committee.


From time to time there are vacancies for governors. If you are interested in becoming a governor then please let the Headteacher know. The Governing Body has parents and members of the local community as part of the team.


If you would like to see copies of minutes from Governor meetings please email office@eastburn.bradford.sch.uk and state which meeting minutes you would like.