Green Close, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD20 8UX


Eastburn Primary School

Welcome to Year 5

The teachers working in class are: Mrs Brewer (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Taylor (Thu-Fri).

This page has all the resources you need to access learning at home.

Home learning is a great opportunity for you to explore the topics we are covering at school.  Please bring in any work  to share with the class and also update us with any achievements outside of school-we would love to hear about them all!

Long Term plan

Year 5 2024-2025

Class Letters

Autumn 1 letter

Autumn 2 letter

Spring 1 letter

Home Learning

Autumn 1 Home Learning

Autumn 2 Home Learning

Spring 1 Home Learning

Spring 2 Home Learning 

Key Instant Recall Facts



Autumn 1 Spellings set A

Autumn 1 Spellings set B

Autumn 2 Spellings set A

Autumn 2 Spellings set B

Spring 1 Spellings set A

Spring 1 Spellings set B

Spring 2 Spellings set A and B

Key Learning 

Reading please aim to read at home regularly (3 times per week is ideal). Children in year 5 have access to a fantastic, wide range of texts, from their levelled reading book, to library books and class literature. We would much rather a child was reading something they enjoy and don't want to put down as opposed to forcing them! Age appropriate newspapers, magazines and comics are great ideas too!

Spellings– Our spelling tests are on Friday, so please make time during the week to prepare for the test. The lists for this half term can be found in the links above.

Times tables – Times table quick recall is still a focus this year even after the multiplication check in Year 4. We will be working on various times tables in school but for those of you wanting an extra challenge, log on to TT Rockstars to practise the 13x, 14x and 15x tables. TT Rockstars - This web-based app gives you a fun way to consolidate your times tables. Please continue to log in and use the activities to help improve your times table recall.

KIRFs - Key instant recall facts are number facts that are simply helpful for us to know, without thinking. These can be found in orange home-learning books or via the link above. Please practice these for a test at the end of the half term.

Time - If your child cannot tell the time, please help them to learn! Stopping a few times a day to ask/explain can help and there are also lots of online resources and games which can help. Take a look at this teaching aid: Teaching Clock 

Year 5 Learning

Learning about the Moon's phases in Science

(with Oreos of course)!