Green Close, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD20 8UX


Eastburn Primary School


At Eastburn, we work hard to develop children's reading skills and to promote a love of books.  We want children to be confident readers, who enjoy reading a wide range of texts and can talk about books and authors.  Our school uses Read, Write Inc and the Oxford reading scheme to support children in developing the necessary skills as they progress through school. 

“At Eastburn, we are dedicated to helping our pupils become skilled readers with a deep understanding of words, language, and texts as they progress through school.”- Mrs Farkas (English Lead)

A strong foundation in language and vocabulary is key to success, and spoken language development is closely integrated with reading and learning across the curriculum. We foster children's speaking and listening skills through various engaging approaches, including exploratory play, story time, hot-seating, drama, debate, and collaborative learning experiences.

Additionally, we incorporate Philosophy for Children, a structured program that encourages pupils to ask open-ended questions rather than closed ones. Each session begins with a stimulus, prompting children to use their imagination and curiosity to ask questions based on wonderment (e.g., I wonder why…?). The class then collectively selects the most intriguing question to explore. The discussion that follows is fluid and guided by the children’s own thoughts and ideas, allowing them to agree and disagree while always providing reasons for their viewpoints. This approach nurtures critical thinking, reasoning, and respectful dialogue, enriching their language and comprehension skills.

Spoken Language Development Coming Soon

Children first learn to read, then read to learn. Our goal is to foster a lifelong love of reading, enabling pupils to read both for purpose and for pleasure. Reading for enjoyment—frequent and enthusiastic—builds essential foundations for life. It shapes how we interact, respond, empathize, and develop the tools to express ourselves and interpret the world around us.

Which book sparked your love of reading?

More on Reading for Pleasure coming soon

Promoting British Values through reading

Please take a look through the document below to explore some of the books available to our children which promote British Values. All the books are available to read in the school library.