Financial Statement
Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) – School’s Income, Expenditure and Balances
Please follow this link to the DfE’s national school’s benchmarking website:
Your school - Financial Benchmarking and Insights Tool - GOV.UK
Here you can view the school’s income, expenditure and balances as well as compare these with
other maintained schools and academies. The information on the website is updated annually
by the DfE using the Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) statements that are submitted by the
school to the DfE in summer term.
Reporting Salaries of High Paid Staff
All schools are required to publish annually on their websites the number of individuals (if any) earning over £100k a year. This information is required to be published in bands of £10k.
At 5th September 2024 no staff at the school earn more than £100k a year.
Moorlands Learning Trust
Our school is part of the Moorlands Learning Trust. Follow the link to see financial information for the Trust: