Welcome to Year 3
Welcome to Class 3's web page. Here you will find information about our class routines and links to the half termly class letter, homework letter and spellings. Please feel free to contact school if you have any issues or concerns and arrange a chat with one of the team.
Mrs Green and Miss Hoskin
Home Learning
Key Instant Recall Facts
These are our key instant recall facts for maths. Please find the letter stuck inside your homework book. There is also a copy here:
Practise the list for each week. Tests will be on Fridays.
Reading is an important part of our learning. Please read your reading books every day. You can also borrow books from the school library on Mondays.
Times tables - We use Times Table Rock Stars to help practise these essential facts, please practice for at least 10 minutes every week.
PE - Don't forget to come to school in your PE kit on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Long hair must be tied up and if you can take earrings out, please do so on these days.
We do expect everyone to be reading every day, and spending some time practising spellings and times tables.
Do also check out the online and offline learning areas of the school website for extra challenges.
Year 3 were surprised to come back to school and find a cave in their classroom! We pretended to be archaeologists and went inside where we found cave art We also looked at prehistoric artefacts borrowed from Craven museum. The children then made their own cave art which we displayed inside our cave.