Green Close, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD20 8UX


Eastburn Primary School

Family Support


At Eastburn, we want to work together with parents and families to help nurture our pupils to become safe and responsible adults.


Job Centre Advice and Support Hub

Keighley Job Centre offer a support hub and can help with various problems. They meet every Wednesday and anyone can attend.  Please take a look at the attached flyer for full details.



https://www.tolerance.org/sites/default/files/general/beyond_golden_rule.pdf: A parents guide to preventing and responding to prejudice


https://yoopies.co.uk/c/press-releases/blacklivesmatter : A parents guide 


https://www.familylinks.org.uk/The Parent Zone


www.sleepcouncil.org.uk: sleep advice for parents


HENRY – top tips, free recipes, videos for families on healthy eating right from the start and growing up with healthy teeth



https://www.careforthefamily.org.uk/ Care for the Family is a national charity which aims to promote strong family life and to help those who face family difficulties. Advice for marriage, parenting, and bereavement.


www.familyaction-org.uk/:  Family action can provide practical, emotional and financial support to those who are experiencing poverty. 




www.home-start.org.uk: Can offer support to families with young children through their challenging times


See the source image Domestic abuse support


Keighley domestic violence services:01535 210999


Domestic violence support: Survive and Thrive 0808 2800 999


Experiencing sexual abuse:01274 308 270 or Text 07435 752 975


keighleydvs.wordpress.com: Support for anyone living in fear of domestic violence


Men Standing Up:  PosterLeaflet.

   Substance misuse support


https://parents-and-drinking.clickrelationships.org/ -Great resource focused on stress and alcohol use.


 https://www.project6.org.uk: Project 6 is an award winning voluntary sector drug and alcohol charity based in








 Online learning 

Email: adultlearningservice@northyorks.gov.uk
or call our Customer Service Centre on 01609
780780 and ask for ‘Adult Learning




  2019 CSS Food Bank Collection Initiative | CSS Food Bank

https://www.skiptonfoodbank.org/i-need-help  Telephone:07856080194


https://www.salvationarmy.org.uk/  Telephone:01535 603494


Windhill Foodbank Centre: 07928899789 Shipley BD18 2NR


Shipley Foodbank Centre: 07743890310 Shipley BD18 3QY


Bingley Foodbank:Bingley Arts Centre



  Mental health - Torbay Council  Mental Health and well-being


Urgent help! First Response 01274 221181  Open 24 hrs 7 days a week


 treacle.me : Treacle gathers together information about small local groups, as well as national help and support, into one site, and includes services that are tailored to specific groups like carers, or relate to specific aspects of physical or mental health such as weight loss or mood issues.


Kooth.com: Free, Safe, support for young people aged 16-18. Well-being, anxiety, transition, relationships and much more.

Available 365 days /24 hrs a day.Fully qualified counsellors and youth workers , confidential service. 


Children and young people: kooth.com to chat with a counsellor


Guide Line:01274 594 594 or chat on line : saferspaces.app/guideline


https://positivepsychology.com/mindfulness-for-children-kids-activities/: Mindfulness activities for the whole family


www.Headspace.com: The app 2 weeks free trial well-being and good mental health 





Resources for parents/carers 



See the source imageFinancial advice and support


No Child Cold-Fuel poverty payments: Please contact school for an application form


www.gov.ukuniversalcredit: Tel 08438166377












Citizens advise Keighley : Telephone 0844 499 4195



   Image result for online safety symbols ukOnline safety










    Image result for bereavement images Bereavement


www.childbereavementuk.org: Supporting bereaved children and young people


www.cruse.org.ukAdvice around bereavement for parents


https://youngminds.org.uk: Parents guide to help their children/young people with grief and loss


www.winstonswish.org: supporting children through bereavement