The best thing about PSHE education in our school is...... how our teacher makes us feel good about our answers, even if we get the answer wrong....I like learning how to stay safe online ........It is fun and exciting - more please! ......We share ideas and we feel safe .......To share our feelings and interests because it’s a safe space ........ it is interesting to learn about yourself ...... Help you with situations when you get older .......I think it has the most -and most fun- games out of all the lessons ....... It’s fun, I LOVE to share my ideas and thoughts, and to listen to others ...... PHSE in our school is amazing and in my opinion I don’t think that there is anything to improve!
Pupil Quotes taken from the PSHE association pupil Questionnaire 2025.
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education
Each half term, the whole school will focus on the same topic in PSHE. We follow a spiral curriculum so each year builds on the learning from the previous year.
At Eastburn School, we use resources from SCARF: a comprehensive, fully resourced, progressive PSHE scheme of work for 3-11 year olds.
Visit the website to look through the FAQs and parent pages to find out more.
Alongside each half term's focus area, there is a link that allows you to explore learning opportunities together at home. Just click on the link:
Autumn 1: Me and My Relationships: Home learning link
Autumn 2: Valuing Difference: Home learning link
Spring 1: Keeping Safe: Home learning link
Spring 2: Rights and Responsibilities: Home learning link
Summer 1: Being my best. Home learning link
Summer 2: Growing and Changing. Home learning link
Please take a look at the Internet Safety PowerPoint below from the Brathay Trust who recently did some work with the children in school.
Useful resources to support mental wellbeing at home
West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service have provided some learning materials around fire safety in the home for you to explore with your child. Follow the link to have fun while you learn ways to keep safe.
Protected Characteristics
Please follow this link to learn more....
News and Visits 2024 - 2025
Wednesday 18th September 2024
We welcomed Juliet and Harold to talk about PHSE with Class 1, 2 3 and 4. The children really enjoyed the sessions and Juliet and Harold were so impressed with our enthusiasm for learning.
Watch this space for more information about Children's Mental Health Week 2025 - 'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself'. The Mental Health Champions will be planning how to take part.
Mental Health Champions Assembly 10.10.24