Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
SENDCo- Mrs Ruth McMeekin
Mrs McMeekin has responsibility for leading and managing the SEND provision in school. Mrs McMeekin can be contacted on mcmeekinr@eastburn.mlt.co.uk 01535 653293
SEND Govenor-Mrs Jeanette Tate
The SEND governor at Easburn Junior and Infant School is Jeanette Tate who can be contacted via: tatej@eastburn.bradford.sch.uk
Inclusion is central to our school ethos here at Eastburn. We are a learning community, and for the best learning to happen it is essential that all of our members – children, their families and the staff - feel a sense of belonging, security and wellbeing in school. The Inclusion Team and the whole staff are dedicated to ensuring that everyone can make the very best of their time with us.
Every child is of equal importance and unique in their own way. All teachers at Eastburn Junior and Infant School are teachers of SEND who successfully provide for the diverse needs of pupils through good differentiated teaching. Children may require 'additional' or different' provision and the quality of their provision is relevant and matched to their individual needs.
At different times children may require different levels of support. We aim to:
- to promote inclusion for all our children so that every child feels valued and able to contribute as part of our diverse learning community.
- to maintain clear, consistent boundaries and high expectations of behaviour, providing support where necessary to enable all children to meet these expectations.
- to facilitate early identification and assessment for all children with additional needs and adjust the level of support and provision they need as they move through school.
- to ensure that all children receive a broad and balanced curriculum which is tailored to develop their individual abilities, while maintaining high opportunities for all.
- to consider the wishes and views of the child as well as the views of their parents
- to ensure that parents of children with SEND are encouraged to work in partnership with professionals where appropriate.
- to provide a nurturing approach for all children to equip them with the life skills to become resilient learners and positive members of society.
Our Local Offer:
In Bradford, all schools have a similar graduated approach to meeting the needs of pipils with SEND and are supported by the Local Authority to ensure all pupils, regardless of their specific needs make the best possible progress in school. All schools are supported to be as inclusive as possible to meet the needs of pupils with SEND being in a mainstream setting wherever possible, where families want this to happen. The Local Authority must publish a 'Local Offer' which provides clear, comprehensive and accessible information about the support and opportunities that are available to children with SEND and their parents. They also have a website to provide further information. Bradford Local Offer | SEND Provision in Bradford
Our School's Approach to SEN:
We are a fully inclusive, mainstream primary school who pride ourselves on going that extra mile to ensure ALL children are included and challenged to achieve their potential. We ensure that all pupils achieve their potential personally, socially, emotionally and academically, in all areas of the curriculum, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, social background, religion, sexual identity, physical ability or educational needs.
Prior to the school admitting a pupil with disabilities, the SENDCo meets with the relevant professionals involved to ensure that the school can meet the needs of the child effectively. Provision is then put in place to meet these needs and ensure full and equal access to school life. The school has disabled toilets and washing facilities and all areas of the school building and grounds are accessible.
Children may be identified as having special educational needs when their progress has slowed or stopped and the interventions or resources put in place do not enable improvement. Once this occurs, we have specific needs based plans (provision plans) and pupil profiles (pen portraits, managing my emotions graduated responses, and sensory profiles) which help support their development and accelerate progress.
If necessary, referrals may be made with other professional agencies for further support, for example specialist teachers from within Bradford's SEN team (SCIL team), an educational psychologist, a speech and language therapist (SALT), the school nurse etc. Parents would be kept fully informed about any steps taken and consent is always gained before any referrals of this kind are made.
The Four Main Areas of SEND
If your child has been identified as having a Special Educational Need or Disability, it will be determined which of the four areas, will be their main area of need. We promote the ethos of Quality First Teaching within school, to adapt and meet learning needs. We will then follow the process of Assess-plan-do-review alongside parents/carers, to determine the next steps for your child.
Communication & Interaction
- Speech, learning and communication (SLCN)
Cognition & Learning
- Specific learning difficulty (SpLD)
- Mild to moderate learning difficulty (MLD)
- Severe learning difficulty (SLD)
- Profound multiple learning difficulty (PMLD)
Social, Emotional & Mental Health
- Children and young people with SEMH may have the following mental health difficulties: anxiety, withdrawn or feeling isolated, having challenging and disturbing behaviour, self-harming, depression, eating disorder, and substance misuse.
Sensory and/or Physical
- Visual impairment (VI)
- Hearing impairment (HI)
- Multi-sensory impairment (MSI)
- Physical disability (PD)
If you have any concerns or would like to discuss anything further, please contact your child’s class teacher and Miss Hoskin, SENDCo.
Processes and Procedures
The processes and procedures for supporting children with SEN are outlined in a guide for parents. SEND: guide for parents and carers
SEND Strategy and Information Report
Please see here for a copy of our SEND strategy : SEND strategy
have also completed a 'school offer' and information report SEND Information Report.
We aim to support and prepare pupils as much as possible for their transition to secondary school. We have strong links with local secondary schools and transitions are planned for carefully with secondary school staff. If you would like to discuss transition for your child, please contact Miss Hoskin.
For further information follow the links below: Airedale and Wharfedale Autism Resource (AWARE) Airedale and Wharfedale Autism Resource - ilkley.org BRADFORD SENDIASS: Bradford Independent Support Service CAMHS: Child and Adolescent Mental Health service (CAMHS) - Fieldhead - Hillbrook (bdct.nhs.uk) IPSEA: Independent provider of special educational needs advice. National Autistic Society https://www.autism.org.uk/advice-and-guidance What is Early Help | Bradford Council NHS: Airedale NHS trust Children’s services inc. Child Development Centre Children's services - Children's services - Airedale NHS Foundation Trust (airedale-trust.nhs.uk) Occupational Therapy: Occupational therapy - Occupational therapy - Airedale NHS Foundation Trust (airedale-trust.nhs.uk) Speech & Language Therapy: Speech and Language Therapy - Speech and Language Therapy - Airedale NHS Foundation Trust (airedale-trust.nhs.uk) |